Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I almost started crying at the local Food Lion

I seem to always struggle with making this blog more personal and to include more about my day to day life. So I thought that I'd tell you a little about my day yesterday. Work went well and I got some things accomplished. It has been a slow start to the month though since a lot of people aren't looking to buy houses right after Christmas. However, we have been starting to see some more business coming in today..which is great.

Anyway, after work I stopped at the grocery store to basically pick up some snacks. I felt like we didn't really have much to snack on at the apartment. Basically I just bought a ton of junk food, with the exception of a cucumber-I know...really healthy right? At one point I was kind of tossing food into the cart because let's face I was hungry and we all know that it is a bad idea to shop on an empy stomach-case in point. Well the main thing when I go shopping is always will S like this or should I get something that he would prefer more. I guess you could say that I am a selfless grocery shopper. :p S LOVES peanut butter...it's probably not a healthy addiction but it makes him happy. I am usually very happy to buy anything peanut butter related that I can find, cookies, candy, icecream, etc. I was putting chocolate chip peanut butter cookies in the cart...and it hit me. For the next nine months I won't be putting anything peanut butter related into my cart. I also won't be buying food for two people. I'm going to be all by myself. I seriously had to tell myself to pull it together before I became a sobbing mess at the Food Lion. Sigh. I got through the check out without letting any tears slip by though.

Anyway...the rest of the night went well. S came home around 7:15 practically early for him. We stayed in and ordered some pizza...can you tell that we are all about the healthy eating in our household? We went to bed at 11 and I woke up at 4 in the morning to unload and load the dishwasher...but that's another story for another day. :)


  1. :( I can't imagine the anxiety you're feeling, but I hope you can enjoy the time you have before he leaves. And, I think your strength will surprise you. Hugs!

  2. I guess you could say that I am a selfless grocery shopper. :p S LOVES peanut butter...it's probably not a healthy addiction but it makes him happy
