Thursday, August 8, 2013

A promotion and almost a payoff!

No, the promotion is not for me but for my husband. He found out today that he has passed the Captain's board which means he will make Captain in May of next year. I am so proud of him! The payoff refers to the bold black number on the right side of the screen. Not only am I now under 20,000 on my federal loans (private loans not included in that number) I am also 200 some dollars away from paying off my second student loan this year! I'm super excited and know that my payments will be able to get larger and larger as I pay off my smaller loans. Finally feel like I'm making progress!


  1. Way to go Sorority Girl :) really like the idea of whittling down debt, cool.

  2. Thank you! Now that our wedding is over I finally feel comfortable with making larger debt payments. To date, all of the debt repayment has come from my own money and not any of my husband's. I'm of the school of thought my debt= my responsibility. Now that may change in the future but as long as I'm able to work I'll continue to make my own debt repayments. :)
